Friday, December 30, 2011

Shanghai food...kind of my type of food...

A trip to Shanghai is not complete without trying Shanghainese food right? Well, I was told Shanghai food tends to be a little on the sweet side and I kind of like it. Unfortunately, I did not manage to take pictures of the more traditional must-try Shanghainese food like the 紅燒扣肉,狮子头,酒酿圆子. I especially like the 狮子头 the last time I was there. I was told that they used different ingredients to cook this meat ball soup in different seasons. When I was there in summer, it was lychee and the soup was so yummy but this time round in winter, they used chicken. I still like it but found it a little less flavourful and more oily.

I visited this hunan/shanghai restaurant quite frequently as it was near my hotel. 苏泽匯. It is a nice, atas-looking restaurant with very decent Chinese food at very reasonable prices.

Fresh green with sesame sauce. This is refreshing, yet at the same time,
very tasty. A good starter.
Fried beef with dried chilli and cashew nuts.
Don't be deceived by the heaps of chilli. It is not as spicy as it looks.
Beef slices are tender!
Don't forget to try the dessert. They do very good dessert here.
This pastry is wrapping a mochi with some cream sauce inside.
It is sweet and light. Nice!

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